Aluminium Windows

WarmCore Windows

Great design shouldn’t compromise performance. The WarmCore aluminium window range is an impressive example of beautifully crafted windows, incorporating the durability of aluminium with unparalleled insulation.

Dynamic in design, this range of windows is able to add a modern twist, brightening up your home whilst improving your energy bills.

Designed from the ground up, WarmCore aluminium windows are 25% more thermally efficient than traditional aluminium systems with its unique full width thermal core. The addition of this great new window means you can incorporate the same great benefits of WarmCore doors to match seamlessly with the WarmCore aluminium window range.

The unique composite construction creates the most thermally efficient window in its class. Each window is fitted with multi-point locking and internal beading as standard, the strong and secure design and choice of 2 outerframe styles make this product a beautiful addition to any home.

Clean, modern lines create refined beauty. The unique ‘J’ bead design with integral gasket concealed ensures no unsightly black lines can be seen. Quick installation times compared to their aluminium counterparts makes the WarmCore aluminium range the first choice for homeowners.
WarmCore Windows in home
WarmCore Windows
WarmCore Windows next to bookshelf
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